My Experience as Summer Technology Analyst at Morgan Stanley

Saumya Singh
4 min readMay 26, 2020


I interned with Morgan Stanley as Summer Technology Analyst from May 2019 to July 2019.

My joining was on 20th May 2019 at Mumbai office. Morgan Stanley provides flight tickets for flying to the city from your location. It also provides 15 days accommodation. So my entire batch was alloted Grand Homotel Hotel in Goregaon West (single occupancy room ☺ ).

There are three offices of Morgan Stanley in Mumbai, but on first day everyone is called in Athena building. Inductions take place for first two days and in these two days your system id, ID card would also be made.

The best part during first two weeks is hotel stay and connecting with other interns. There was complementary buffet at night and mostly all the interns used to have dinner together. After having dinner we used to take a walk around hotel or play mafia in someone’s room. Mafia is best game for bonding I guess 😂. Though it caused a trouble to other hotel inmates as we 15–16 people gathered in same room and shouted a lot.

In the first two weeks you will feel a little low on office side. Some of the main reasons being - getting acquainted with the work, project, system setup, long sitting hours (as in college we don’t sit for long😅). But the people are very helping and welcoming at Morgan Stanley, reach out to correct people and they will be very happy to help. Trust me after 2 weeks you will enjoy going to the office and working on projects.

Till 20th June we had training from 9 am to 12 noon. Each intern was provided different training paths based on project requirements and different Subject Matter Expert (SME) took the session. It is one of the best thing about interning at Morgan Stanley.

Most difficult thing in Mumbai is to search for a place after 2 weeks of hotel residence. We found out a place called Nest Inn, I think best place to live for interns in Goregaon West. All the interns were staying in the same. We worked hard during office hours and after returning from office, we went out in group of 10–12 people to dine out. Sometimes even we went to Marine Drive at night returned late, but reached office again at 10 am. So you see everytime you play, you need to work hard as well and never take your work lightly.

I made sure that I don’t lie in PG on weekends. We visited nearly all the places in Mumbai. Even we did road trip to Lonavla and done camping as well as trekking. I am attaching some of the pics. 😅

In Morgan Stanley for converting internship to full time offer there is technical interview which everyone has to give. I had revised Data Structures and Algorithms and solved some system design questions one week before the interview.

In interview first I had to explain my whole project then the interviewer asked some questions from the project. After that 8–10 objective type questions were there from Java. One algorithm question was provided, it was like medium difficulty LeetCode questions. I was able to code it in 15 mins. Then a system design question was given and we had discussion for good 30 min.

There is project fair as well at Morgan Stanley for Summer Interns, each intern is assigned a work station and he showcases his project. Many senior technology division people come to see the work.

There is one presentation to your local team and may be one presentation to global team through VC.

I got a PPO from Morgan Stanley. I see the internship not only as an opportunity to get industry experience but to improve oneself as person on all grounds. During the internship I learnt that how enjoying the stay also, I can be 100% productive at my work. And above all I got some good friends for life. I feel lucky to have got best set of co-interns anyone could have asked for.

