AG Grid: The Ultimate Data Grid

Saumya Singh
2 min readJul 3, 2021


I have been working with AG Grid for past 1 month. After 1st day of being introduced to AG Grid, in my sleep also, if anyone would have asked which UI data grid I prefer, I would have answered AG Grid. Though there are many reasons to choose it, in this article I would cover some of the most appealing qualities of AG Grid.

Let’s get started :)

  1. World-class Documentation

The documentation of AG Grid is so nicely written, that first time in my career on facing any error I rushed to read the documentation to find a fix.

For each of the functionality, you would find a well-structured detailed explanation along with demo and implementation using major frontend frameworks.

2. State of the Art Layout, supporting easy customisation

The most sophisticated layout you can encounter is that of AG grid. It includes feature to pin columns, downloading excel/csv file of the data on right click, feature to swap columns through click and drag, pagination, and many more. You can easily control most of these features just by tweaking the feature flags.

If you care about User Experience, AG Grid should be the first choice.

3. Cell Editing & Customised Columns made easy

AG Grid is the first grid in which I tried out cell editing. At first, I was not sure how the service calls would be made on cell value being changed. AG Grid provide many events like cellValueChanged, cellEditingStarted, cellEditingStopped, etc. These events can be used to bind actions with them.

Sometimes in our UI grid we want columns showing rating/icon or button. In AG Grid cell renderers provide an easy solution to those needs.

4. Text, Date and Number Filters

When you are using AG Grid you would not have to bother about writing filter codes for different column types, it provides out of the box filters for text , number as well as date. You just need to mention in column definition which type of filter you would be using for the column.

5. Export to Excel preserving the data format

Export to Excel feature is present only in enterprise version of AG Grid, but it is the best feature of AG Grid. Using excelStyles option you can control the data format which you want to export to excel, e.g, the date column can be preserved to have date type in excel also. Exporting data to excel was never so easy.

The features that I have mentioned are on the basis of AG Grid Version 22, now they have released version 25+, which would be surely more sophisticated. If you use data grid, I recommend trying out AG Grid and I am sure you would never turn to any other grid.

AG Grid Documentation —

